Friday, September 14, 2012

It's the Little Things

This past week has made me realize how often I don't stop and "smell the roses" as they say. There are so many people and things I appreciate in my life and I never take the time to truly appreciate them.

Little things I appreciate:
1. Running into friends out in the city, at a bar, etc. and get a big smile knowing that I have some great friends.
2. The amazing group of colleagues I have here in NYC and in my department as a whole. There are some intelligent and wonderful people who I work with and look up to as mentors.
3. Being able to live in New York and being able to afford to take risk and adventures.
4. The 24 hour running subway (well minus construction), I don't know how people drive in this city.
5. Having a great group of friends who surround me with love and friendship that I am going to cherish for the rest of my life no matter where I live.
6. The ability to travel so many times this year and being able to be there for friends and family when they need it most during times of sadness but also joy.
7. The endless possibilities of food choices (this is the foodie part of me talking).
8. Having an understanding roommate and boss because without them I would be going insane sometimes.

What little things do you appreciate in life?

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