Saturday, December 1, 2012


"Spontaneity - The quality or condition of being spontaneous. Spontaneous - Arising from a momentary impulse."

After talking with my sister tonight about things going on in our lives, Christmas present ideas and her running adventures, I on a whim was going to fly home to support her for her first marathon in California which happened to also fall on the weekend of our mom's birthday. She was all for the idea depending on costs but that it would be fun since The Color Run would be held in LA that weekend too that I mentioned to her. Right before we hung up, she randomly threw out the idea of coming to visit her in Georgia the weekend she was running the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k in Atlanta in January since I had also asked when it would be a good time to visit her.

An hour later, I have booked a weekend trip to see my sister in Georgia! This is a new state for me and I'm exicted to finally see Athens (where she lives) and UGA (where she works). Also can't wait to see her favorite fur-ball Molly. I live my "having a dog in NYC" fantasies through Molly and it's been too long since I've seen her.

Not only have I booked a spontaneous trip to visit my sister in Georgia but I have also agreed to sign up for the 5k run while she did the 15k. I laughed when she said there was both, I am not as avid/consistent of a runner like she is. A 5k in cold(er) weather than my first 5k in sweatlering heat in August in NYC will be a challenge. I guess it's time to start running outside/in colder temperatures! Here's to another 5k but I'm especially excited for this one since I will be able to share this experience with my sister after all the stories she shares with me/the family about her running adventures. And a free sweater/goodie bag to boot, why not!

Check out my sister's blog to read more about the run. Let's kick off 2013 with a bang!

1 comment:


    Super late on catching up on your blog. Oops.

    PS. It's super cute! I LOVE the chevron pattern background. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
