Sunday, December 2, 2012

31 Memories of 2012

I've decided (a day late) that I wanted to blog about a memory from 2012 for every day in December. So here's Day 1 & 2.

Day 1: The amazing friends I have made through trivia. Without NYCSSC and the friendships I have formed, I would not have the close knit group of friends that I yearned for in NYC. Everyone knows it's hard to make friends in a new city, so I am thankful for them. Then have been there for me always and I especially thank my friends for taking me out to distract me and console me when I found out my grandmother passed away (RIP). Going straight from a work trip in Florida back to sit in an airport for 5 hours to then leave for Hungary made me gone for a little over two weeks and my friends were there for me. We spent the night enjoying each other's company and getting my mind off of things. Thank you everyone!

Day 2: Mets opening day was definitely a fun memory with all my Mets fan friends. I went to a few opening days while I lived in San Francisco since they were affordable and this year when my friends offered an invite to me for Mets opening day I jumped on the chance. It was a goregous day out and the start of many Mets games this season. I love the atmosphere of a baseball game; friends, food, music and cheering on the home team. After joining Tom and Kevin at so many Mets games, not only has my love of baseball grown but I have met many Mets fans and people to now call friends. I can remember the many Friday and misc nights watching games live in Citi Field being entertained by Feeny, watching Johan's first no-hitts game, winning a few homerpool games and the many laughs that occurred. Here's to the next opening day and many more Mets games to come!

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