Today is a bit of a throw back Thursday meets long week meets excited to see my mom. In the past few weeks I have officially planned a trip back to San Francisco and Sacramento to see friends from college. I haven't been back since June 2011 for Hilary and Connelly's wedding. I am so excited to go back and see all my sorority sisters and friends. While telling others I was visiting I found out Elle, a sorority sister from Australia, would be visiting NYC the week before I was to be in California. I am so ready to see her since I haven't seen her since summer 2010 =)
This week has been a long emotional week as this week marks the year since my grandmother in Hungary passed away. My boss had mentioned last week that it had been a year since we started a project I have been working on and have been in Florida to work on this project. Last year I left Florida early to be back to JFK to grab a red eye to Hungary to be with all of my family during the hard time. RIP Nagymama I still miss you everyday.
My mom, on her way back from Hungary, is going to spend the weekend with me on her long trek home to California. I can't wait to see her in New York since the last time she was here was over a year ago doing touristy things with my paternal grandmother and sister. It will be nice to show her around local things, actually meet some of my friends who my family has yet to meet and just show her my everyday surroundings.
Here's to a wonderful weekend with my mom.