Monday, February 4, 2013

Wonderful Weekend

Dear Monday, I am glad you are here since trivia starts tomorrow but I'm not glad because the weekend always goes by too fast.

Dear NYRR Gridiron Classic 4 Mile run, boy were you colder and tougher than I thought you would be. I had also never ran in below 30 degree temperatures before. I'd say by looking at my overall time and pace per mile, I didn't do as horrible as I thought I would. My goal was under an hour, so being under 50 minutes I am thrilled. Here's to the next race!

Dear body, I think you are finally getting used to me running again. I am so glad for the chance to do all these things I want to push myself to do.

Dear Music Under New York, I love hearing all the different performers at subway stops. The band on Saturday at Herald Square was such a great way to start the night.

Dear Super Bowl, thanks for hosting a party Tom! It was a blast even with the lights going out during the game I still had a blast hanging out with friends.

Dear sister, I am so proud of you running your first marathon this weekend! Glad you had family and friends to cheer you on.

Dear snow, I am glad we are getting more this year but let's get more than a slight dusting every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks sister! I'm sorry I'm just getting caught up now - I wish I could figure out why you don't show up in my list. :( Sad day.

    I love you!
