Friday, March 8, 2013

Questions for You

So my sister was nominated for a Leibster Award. This is basically a pass-along award for bloggers – kind of like the new version of those meme quizzes that were all the rage (do you prefer hugging or kissing?). So the rules are that I answer her fabulous 11 questions, post 11 random facts about me, and ask 11 more questions to the bloggers I tag. So here's her 11 questions:

11 Questions for My Favorites (that's you!)

  1. What's your biggest food weakness? That one thing that you'd never be able to stop eating, despite what a diet might tell you? Biggest food weakness is french fries, preferably well done. I can always eat them.
  2. Favorite beverage of all time? Hmmm that's a tough one, I really don't have a favorite but I do enjoy ice tea.
  3. Backstreet Boys, N Sync, or 98 Degrees? (I love me some 90's boy bands) I'd say N Sync although my sister did get me into her love of Backstreet Boys (even a 3rd row upfront concert with them).
  4. When did you start running? Running races, August 2012. Running just to run and feel fit whether on a treadmill, elliptical or outside was back in college. Freshman year I was determined to not gain the so called "freshman 15"; which I successfully did not gain.
  5. What is your favorite race distance? Well I've only ran a 5k and a 4 miler but I'd say that a 5k is my favorite because it's just enough to make me feel accomplished without feeling incredibly exhausted.
  6. Would you consider yourself a Phoebe, Monica, or Rachel? Monica, I am a bit of a clean freak and organized OCD but also bit girl next door Rachel.
  7. Are there any textures (food or otherwise) that weird you out? Hmm.. well if you know me you know I'm really not picky with foods but I will say that I don't like pickles in any form and I'm oddly picky when it comes to eating cheese. I'll eat in mixed in with something, on nachos, etc but not on a burger.
  8. What was your first pet? My sister mentioned our pet rabbit Snowy and around the same time I also had pet fish that my grandfather bought me one Christmas.
  9. Your number one desired travel spot? British Isles, Denmark or Bali.
  10. If you could go back to school and get your degree in anything, what would you do? Funny she asked this as I have recently applied to go back to school to get a degree in Environmental Science. My job has made me really interested in learning more in depth about environmental sciences.
  11. What accomplishment are you most proud of? Moving out to New York on my own without knowing anyone or anything about this city. Almost 2 years later and I'm so proud of what I have accomplished here in my career, financially and personal relationships.

I would tag readers to answer my questions but I only have one follwer as I haven't really gotten into following other bloggers. I like to use this as my own personal diary of sorts.

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