Saturday, December 22, 2012

Time Flies...

Day 19: Memories involving my friends that I have met through trivia in NYCSSC are definitely the most that have occurred throughout the year as they have become my close circle of friends. At the end of June NYCSSC hosted a "back to high school" party during a break in seasons. It was a blast to see all of my friends, trivia, kickball, etc. Many made an appearance and it was a great way to offically kick-start the summer seasons of sports.

Day 20: As this is a memories list, the New Year is always a memory to never forget. I spent ringing in the New Year at Tom's on Roosevelt Island with a small but fun group of friends. Tom cooked dinner, we brought the games and drinks, and just had a blast spending the night together. Once it came closer to the official countdown, Ann Marie and some of her friends joined us just in time to celebrate. After movie watching, watching the ball drop and stuffing ourselves with delicious steaks and dessert it was ofifically 2012.

Day 21: A item on my New York to do list and I would even say life bucket list was to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live. I was fortunate enough to get access to the parade in our work area with much appreciated help from my boss. After a bit of a headache and many people I was able to meet up with my boss and enjoy the parade live near the beginning of the route. All in all it was a great parade, although to me the only thing special about this parade is the giant balloons. Check!

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