Monday, August 27, 2012

The Color Run - New York

So this was the first time I ran an officially organized 5K, not just running on my own. Let me tell you when I first signed up for this run after the suggestion from my sister and seeing her post about her run in Atlanta, I was so excited. Flash forward almost three months later to the Friday morning before the race, I got nervous. I had been training for this run but definitely not as serious as I was hoping to. After what seemed like a crazy summer the day was finally here.

After celebrating NYCSSC's birthday Saturday afternoon/evening, all I wanted to do was get my stuff and sleep at Ann Marie's house. Although I did not sleep as well as I hoped, I was excited for the race. Waking up a little too early (3am) I tried to go back to sleep until we were suppose to get up and leave around 6am. Kerri, Ann Marie and I made our way to grab a quick breakfast and head out to Aviator Sports Complex near the Far Rockaways in Brooklyn. Note: wish the race was a bit closer to Manhattan but with all the color and clean up involved and after seeing the location they choose, it just made sense. The run was located in the middle of a National Recreation Area which I thought would be a bit more dirt roads/greenery. Turned out we were running on blacktop which actually helped me out a bit more since that is what I am used to running on. Beautiful building in the background and greenery on either side made it for a nice run although a bit warm when the sun poked through towards the end.

Parked, decked out in our Color Run shirts, headbands, temporary tattoos and fanny packs, we proceeded to the starting area. After a few pre-race pictures, getting sunglasses and dropping off our bag, we walked over to the starting area. I'd rather call this a corral because that's how it made me feel lol. We lucked out and ended up being at the front of group 6 to let into the run. There were so many people, I think they ended up letting off at least 12 different groups. Music going and hearts pumping, we took off.

Zone 1: yellow. Awesome color throwers although you had to pace yourself to run by to get enough color on you.
Zone 2: orange. Definitely better by this point as people started to pace themselves, walk or run ahead. By this point Kerri, Ann Marie and I had a jog going and would go just slow enough to get covered in orange, although not the best.
Zone 3: blue. After a quick stop at the water station, we made it our point to attempt to walk though the blue zone as to get as much color on us without getting run into/yelled at for walking. I'd say it was a success and probably the most color zone.
If you couldn't tell it's blue
Zone 4: pink. Last zone and definitely the easiest to get through between all the people. We even double backed to get splashed with more pink and parts of yellow as the yellow zone was near the pink zone. See the map of the race in last Monday's post. With satisfaction of the race, we ran through the finish line and stopped for finish line photos. We did it!

I finished!
 All in all was an amazing time with friends, color and for being my first 5K not bad time although it wasn't officially recorded because I was having too much fun. Once we got blown clean by lawn blowers after an hour in the midst of the color festival with DJ's, free color packets to throw and just a blast dancing, it was time to see the color-ific damage that was done. With a bit of a detour home through parts of Brooklyn I've never seen, the three of us heading to get a much needed brunch and laugh/talk about what an amazing time we had and the goals for next years' run.  Here's to next year New York!

Dear Monday

Dear weekend, what a great last weekend in August this was, can't believe it's already going to be September. Where did the summer go?

Dear Mets, although I don't have a winning record when I go to your games, it's always fun to see a live sporting event. Maybe I'll squeeze one or two more games in before the end of the season. I can't keep track how many games I went to this season.

Dear NYCSSC, your 8th birthday party was a blast. Between watching Darnell and Dwiddy get dunked, Christie drinking beer out of a water bottle, free (yet horrible) Chang beer, seeing so many friends I have met through this organization, I truly appreciate and love what this organization has done for me. Without NYCSSC I wouldn't have the amazing friends I have today. Check them out!

Dear September, can't believe you're already here. Let's kick it off with a bang at Tom's 2nd annual Labor Day/end of summer party. Here's to fall, cold weather, football/hockey season and so much more.

Dear body, I know you hate me for running in The Color Run but you were such a blast. See my post as it deserves it's own.

Dear work, I am excited there are so many projects I have taken on. Between the Fire Warden Program, helping out with the EHSMS audit/launch and getting offered to help Greg with productions when the time comes, I am so excited for going into fall and my 2nd year (total) working for NBC.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Throwback Thursday

About two years ago today I officially graduated college, CRAZY! I can't believe how fast time flies when you don't realize it. Looking back, where I wanted to be two years out of college and where I am actually at now is completely different. Where I thought I'd be two years out of college: most likely still living in California, ideally not near home (I was thinking back in the Bay Area or in the San Diego area), and working in  a marketing/business position that I could possibly grow to love. Where I am now: living in my new favorite city (New York if you didn't know) obviously not anywhere near California, working for a company I enjoy being a part of and in a department/area that I didn't expect to pursue a career in. I dreading going home after graduating but if I didn't I wouldn't be where I am today. I could have stayed in San Francisco, continued to work at Nordstrom and find a job at some point. Moving back gave me the opportunity to temp at NBC which led to my current position here.

Two years later, I have learned a lot, grew tremendously, made some amazing new friends, established a great life in New York and made strong connections with my boss, colleagues and all those I interact with on a daily basis at work.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dear Monday

Dear Monday, let's make this a great week!

Dear Mets, I know you guys aren't doing so well but I am excited for another game Friday with friends.

Dear NYC Social Sports Club 8th Birthday, can't believe another year has gone by. Celebrating Saturday down in the Lower East Side at a backyard timeshare will be a blast although I'll miss the beer garden.

Dear The Color Run, I can't wait to run this with Ann Marie, Nikki and Kerri at the Aviator Sports Complex in Brooklyn this weekend.

Dear Lucy, RIP. May you rest in peace with Sadie in doggie heaven. I can't believe both of my dogs are now gone. What a year this has been but I know you are going to be safe and happy.

Dear summer, please don't be over soon. There are so many days left this year and I can't believe it's already going to be September.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

I was a bit under the weather at the beginning of this week so this is a Happy Friday post instead of a Dear Monday post.

Dear week, I am so glad you are over and I am finally feeling better from the flu I caught.

Dear Color Run, 9 more days and I cannot wait!

Dear summer, I can't believe you are almost over, it's crazy how fast this year is going by.

Dear friends, as they say friends have healing powers and I believe it to be true. Thank you.

Dear kickball, you are always such a blast and I'm glad I've made so many great friends.

Dear California, see you again in 3 weeks for my cousin Marika's bridal shower.

Dear work, I am excited that there is always something going on here, makes it for an always interesting day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wedding Weekend

This past weekend I went back home to California to celebrate my best friend Raquel's wedding to her now husband Jose. Being this the first time back in California this year not for work or funeral related purposes, I was excited for such a joyous occasion.

The first day back was jam packed with running to the DMV, dentist and other errands that couldn't be done in New York. After picking up my cousin at the airport I was ready to sleep and wake up excited for the wedding. Knowing that I would be up early, Raquel called me Saturday morning while waiting to get my hair cut/colored. It was so awesome to be able to talk her on her big day while she was nervous/excited.

Even though the wedding guests were mainly family, I was excited to meet up with the few people from high school that were invited to the wedding. It was great to see Oscar, Brianne, Amber and Jorge. The wedding was gorgeously done from the cake to the parents of the bride, I could see all the love put into this wedding. Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Borrayo and a lifetime of happiness.